December 29, 2013

#6 in 2013: 10 Easy Ways to Know You’re Not a Leader


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    Quarterly Unstuck Church Report

Last week I shared some advice for young leaders in my article on “10 Simple Practices to Help You Experience Your Future Dreams.” As I was writing, I was recalling one of the earliest articles I wrote for my website about eight years ago. In the post, I described some of the symptoms of leaders who aren’t really leaders.

The leadership principles reflected in this list still apply. You want to know if you’re really a leader Consider these principles:

10 Easy Ways to Know You’re Not a Leader

  1. You’re waiting on a bigger staff and more money to accomplish your vision.
  2. You think you need to be in charge to have influence.
  3. You’re content.
  4. You tend to foster division instead of generating a helpful dialogue.
  5. You think you need to say something to be heard.

[Read the entire article.]

Photo Credit: chrisinplymouth via Compfight cc

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