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From our unique perspective serving 100s of U.S. churches each year, we see benchmarks & trends in church health. Each quarter, we share a snapshot of the numbers we track on a macro level that we hope you will begin tracking in the life of your church.

The Q2 2024 Unstuck Church Report:

New Church Trends & Benchmarks


Every quarter, The Unstuck Group compiles all the data we’ve collected to monitor trends in churches in the United States. For this quarter’s report, we focused our survey on questions related to staffing, structure and team. For the report, we only included churches that submitted data between April 8 and May 6, 2024 to provide a very current snapshot of ministries of all shapes and sizes.

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Staffing & Ministry Trends

Data on staff-to-attendance ratios, span of care, personnel budget and more.

Staffing by Ministry Type

Data on number of staff allocated to different ministries, percent in leadership, and more.

Additional Insights from Horizons Stewardship

Special insights on budgeting for staff, developing generous disciples and more.

Staffing by Generation

Percentage of each generation represented on staff, average age of pastors and more.

Staffing Best Practices

Data on processes, leadership development, succession, and more.

About the Q2 2024 Data:

We received survey responses from 402 churches, ranging in size from under 100 to more than 8,000 in physical attendance for worship gatherings. The average in-person attendance of churches that participated was 899 people.

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