March 9, 2015

If You Want to Grow, Stop Thinking Like a Small Church

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    Quarterly Unstuck Church Report

For years we’ve been hearing (and seeing) that the average American church has fewer than 100 people in regular attendance. If you spend your time in ministry leadership circles, blogs and conferences, it would almost be easy to forget that the megachurch is a rather new phenomenon, and that hundreds of thousands of smaller churches are still engaged in ministry every week. To be sure, many are closing their doors for the final time every week, as well. But thousands are also launched each year, meeting in whatever space they can find, trying to reach the lost and grow and pursue their unique vision.

At The Unstuck Group, we talk to a lot of pastors from churches of all different sizes. We know firsthand that megachurches don’t have the “exclusive” on passion for reaching people with the love of Jesus. In fact, churches of different sizes have different strengths and challenges.

One of the growth-inhibiting habits most difficult for a smaller church to break is the habit of thinking like a small church.

And with that in mind, we have been working on a brand new consulting service for a while, and I’m excited to finally unveil it.

GrowthSolutions is our new service designed to help leadership teams at smaller churches who want to take intentional steps towards growing their church to 500 and beyond in weekly attendance. This consulting experience gives fresh perspective and tools to handle the challenges related to growth and health, strategic planning and maximizing resources.

We believe healthy things grow – in size, impact and effectiveness. (Sometimes unhealthy things grow, too — tumors come to mind. You don’t want to grow like that. A healthy church makes healthy disciples.)

We’ve already gotten started with about a dozen churches across the country and are looking forward to sharing their stories with you in the coming months!

[button link=”” color=”blue”]Click to Learn More About GrowthSolutions[/button]


Photo Credit: romana klee via Compfight cc

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