May 31, 2018

Is It Time For a Change? How To Tell If Your Timing is on Target


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    Quarterly Unstuck Church Report

Timing is a beast. As a leader, it’s one of the most important things you can master, but it’s also one of the most elusive. Jim Morrison once said, “I think of myself as an intelligent, sensitive human being with the soul of a clown, which always forces me to blow it at the most important moments.”

I can relate to that. But when you’re leading a church and there’s a lot at stake, recovering from some mistakes is long and painful.

leadership change

So, here’s a look at five indicators that it may be time to step out and start that change you’ve been thinking about:

1. You feel a genuine nudge from God.

I know, I know—you can say this about anything. And many leaders have abused this one. “God told me….” That’s why it’s so important to discern whether God is pushing for this change or it’s just you. In my own experience, the two clarifying questions are: (1) What do my mentors think? and (2) Have I slept on it? As a church leader, the last thing you want to do is rush into the wrong change effort at the wrong time.

2. The problem is obvious.

If people don’t sense a need for the change I’m introducing, it is definitely NOT the right time. It may be the right thing. But if it’s not the right time, it’s not going to be embraced, and it will turn out to be the wrong thing. The issue with misreading your timing on a big change effort is that you can’t easily resurrect the solution. People’s memories are far too good for that. Make sure the problem has been defined and communicated—and it hurts enough to warrant the change.

If it’s not the right time, it’s not going to be embraced, and it will turn out to be the wrong thing. Share on X

3. Your core team is unified.

Some teams are fractured from false starts. Nothing makes a change effort succeed like a sold out team. That’s why it’s important to gauge the commitment level of the people you’re leading with before you pull the trigger. In my own life, I find that I’ve been thinking about a particular initiative every day for hours, sometimes for weeks or months on end. I then expect someone who just heard about it to be as enthusiastic as I am about it. But, that’s not realistic. We need to give our teams the advantage of perk time, and an opportunity to get their questions answered. I’ve found that their questions make the plan better, and their support brings strength back into our efforts.

4. You have a plan.

As they say, “Prior proper planning prevents poor performance.” How does your plan look? Has it passed the test of scrutiny by your most trusted leaders? Are you holding it as a guide and not as a god? Remember, plans change but visions stay the same. Plans are useless, but planning is indispensable. Your plan should be a smart but flexible guide that navigates toward your goal. It should answer people’s questions ahead of time. And it should invite the maximum possible participation.

Remember, plans change but visions stay the same. Share on X

5. Your tank is full.

There’s nothing like beginning a road trip with an empty tank. Bad idea. Even parents know that kids can see the gas gauge from the back seat. If you’re not prepared, people will know. There’s no glory in “faking it ’til you make it.” That kind of leadership is manipulative and potentially dangerous. Jesus’ Church deserves better. As hard as it is to wait, when you don’t have the resources to pursue an opportunity, it’s not the right time. The two gauges to watch are Energy and Cash. Building up some margin in those two areas will build confidence on your team, especially with those who are more risk-averse.

I’m hoping these five indicators will save you some pain and give you some strength as you step out to lead in your God-given assignment.

I’d love to know what you’re working on, how it’s going, and what you’re learning. Please take a moment to connect by leaving a comment.

Gabe Kolstad -

Gabe is the Lead Pastor at Westside Community Church in the Portland, Oregon area where he serves with his best friends. He has had the privilege of leading Westside through a number of exciting changes, from turnaround to relocation to multi-site. Gabe has a dream for seeing new churches planted, and a passion for connecting with leaders to make a difference in Portland and the Northwest. He is a trainer, a coach to pastors. Gabe is married to his Jr. High sweetheart, Melissa, and they have 3 children: Dawson, Caitlin, and Caleb. They love great food, traveling and finding new adventures together.

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