November 7, 2018

Leading Change When Ministry Wonโ€™t Slow Down


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  • Protected: Order – August 7, 2021 @ 01:25 AM

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  • Protected: Order – August 7, 2021 @ 09:59 AM

    Quarterly Unstuck Church Report

Your team can develop the systems & rhythms to see a plan through.

Thereโ€™s a tendency for churches to struggle with executing on plans beyond the weekend service.

Thatโ€™s probably obvious to you as a church leader.

Zoomed out, we can write it off as a time issue.

Sunday is always coming. Turning out an excellent live event weekly is a unique challenge most organizations donโ€™t face, but thatโ€™s not the only reason our teams stall out.

Zoomed in, we often see another issue:

Most church staff teams donโ€™t actually know how to execute a plan.

The team members havenโ€™t been trained to do that.

The good news is, thatโ€™s 100% fixable. (Along those lines, Tony Morgan and Amy Anderson recorded a whole podcast episode on how you can become a church that gets stuff done.)

In the context of leading change, learning to become a church that can execute a plan is absolutely essential. The fourth phase of the Unstuck Process is wholly focused on equipping your teams to do learn the systems and rhythms that help you follow through.

Learn to regularly ask, โ€œDid We Deliver?โ€

For us, the win for the Action Phase of the process is really the win for the whole process. All the assessments, planning and restructuring is a waste of time if you arenโ€™t prepared to see the plan through. There are two specific components of this phase:


  • Your team learns a 90-Day Action Plan process and starts getting into a rhythm for executing plans.
    We walk with you through the planning and execution of a first round of ministry 90-Day Action Plans. Your team starts building the muscle-memory with us there to provide coaching.
  • You learn to forecast and plan a 2-Year Roadmap that keeps your next steps on track.
    Your team will actually map out the next two years of your strategic plan by quarter, building a 2-Year Roadmap to keep your team focused on where youโ€™re going and how youโ€™re going to get there.



We love this phase of our relationship with a church. Itโ€™s when they start really getting unstuck.

Curious how the whole process works? Read more about the Unstuck Process.

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