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  • Protected: Order – August 7, 2021 @ 09:59 AM

    Quarterly Unstuck Church Report

A couple decades ago, the “multisite conversation” was reserved for only the largest megachurches. Today, it is a common topic among senior leadership teams of every church size. Yet many of those discussions are still filled with more questions than answers. Failed campus launches, communication breakdowns, and over-extended staff members are just a few of the challenges I and my team at The Unstuck Group hear multisite leaders facing.

Why do so many continue to struggle with these problems?

Many churches have a vision for multisite without a strategy for getting there.

Did you know multisite churches with a strategy implemented throughout the organization are growing 44% faster than those that don’t? That’s just one of many insights uncovered in our latest multisite research.

Whether you’re already leading one church in many locations or simply wondering if multisite might be in your future, we want to help you take the right steps forward. That’s why we’re taking time to discuss our latest research and insights on multisite strategy.

On Wednesday, February 17, we’re hosting a free webinar on Making Multisite Work. 

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Here are a few of the things we will cover:

  • 5 Factors That Distinguish Successful Multisite Churches
  • How to Know When Your Church is “Big Enough” for Multisite
  • How Multisite Churches Structure for Decision-Making
  • What to Look for When Selecting a Campus Pastor

We’ll also share additional research from surveying over 100 multisite leaders.


[button link=”https://zoom.us/webinar/register/536b1506a399e1ce66858a512be5123a” color=”default”]Register for Making Multisite Work[/button]

Our team believes multisite churches have the potential to lead more people in more places into a relationship with Jesus Christ. That passion is rooted in a combined 40 years of leadership experience in several of the largest multisite churches. We recognize that simply opening new campuses is not the goal. We want to see healthy churches with multiple locations equipped with a clear strategy to reach more people.

Are you ready to figure out the next steps for your church when it comes to multisite? Click here to register and join us on February, 17, 1:00 pm EST.

(By the way, our previous webinars have filled up fast. Be sure to secure your spot today.)


#Multisite churches with an integrated strategy are growing 44% faster. Discover how: Share on X FREE WEBINAR: How to Make #Multisite Work for Your Church | Feb. 17, 1pm EST | Hosted by @TonyMorganLive Share on X

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