March 22, 2023

Mistakes to Avoid When Launching a New Campus – Episode 289 | The Unstuck Church Podcast

mistakes to avoid when launching a new multisite campus

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    Quarterly Unstuck Church Report

4 Steps for Clarifying Your Multisite Strategy (Part 3)

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As churches consider adding new campuses, they need to establish a process for identifying new locations, hiring staff and building teams, and launching at the right time.  

After all, making mistakes early in the multisite process can assure failure before you even launch. 


Launching strong is vital, because the first few weeks of a new campus opening are when most new people will come. If youā€™re not ready, and itā€™s not the experience they were hoping for, your opportunity with the people youā€™re trying to reach is compromised.

In this episode, Amy and I will identify several common mistakes and best practices for churches who are considering launching a new campus in the coming months, including:

  • The importance of launching strong
  • How to avoid launching too close or too far
  • How to avoid launching too fast
  • How to avoid launching too small

Multisite Better: Proven Strategies for Better Results

Identical or autonomous campuses? Video or live teaching? Campus or centralized teams? There are many ways churches do multisite, but only a handful of strategies that are effective in creating long-term health. Sign up to getĀ theĀ fullĀ webinar video replay:

Churches considering adding new campuses need to establish a process for identifying locations, finding staff and building teams, and launching at the right time. [episode 289] #unstuckchurch Share on X When churches launch too small, they end up without enough staff leaders, volunteer leaders, and people volunteering on teams to carry the core ministries that the church expects to have in place. [episode 289] #unstuckchurch Share on X Itā€™s easy to find a building and hire staff for a new campus. The hard work, and the work that takes the most time, is raising up the team of leaders and volunteers who will do the ministry at the new location. [episode 289] #unstuckchurch Share on X

This Episode Is Sponsored by Planning Center:

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Sean (00:02):

Welcome to The Unstuck Church Podcast, where each week we are exploring what it means to be an unstuck church. As multisite churches add new locations, they have to have a sequence strategy for how to identify locations, build teams and launch well. And it’s clear that there’s some best practices that when not followed can lead to less than ideal results. On today’s podcast, Tony and Amy continue our series on multisite strategies with a conversation on how to launch new locations. If you’re new to The Unstuck Church Podcast, we want to invite you to head over to and subscribe to get the show notes in your email. When you do, you’ll get resources to go along with each week’s episode, including our Leader Conversation Guide, some bonus resources and access to our podcast resource archive. That’s to subscribe. Now, before today’s conversation, here’s Tony.

Tony (00:57):

Before we jump into today’s conversation, let me tell you about Planning Center. It’s an all-in-one church management system. With a single software, you’ll have the tools you need to organize your ministries and give your congregants a place to engage whether you’re looking for a secure check-in for families, an effortless way to schedule volunteers or an easy method to give online, sign-up for only what you need. Go to and start your 30-day free trial today.

Amy (01:34):

Thanks for joining us today. We’re in the middle of a series that’s all related to helping church leaders prepare to expand through multisite. And today, we’re gonna talk specifically about the launch strategy for new locations. And Tony, before we unpack that topic, why don’t you just catch us up to speed on the first couple of weeks?

Tony (01:51):

Sure. Yeah. Week one, we talked about 10 multisite readiness checkpoints, really helping churches think about if we’re considering an expansion, whether that’s the first multisite location or the newest multisite location, are we ready to do that? And kind of the underlying principle related to that conversation is the fact that multisite is not a growth strategy; rather, it’s a strategy to multiply healthy ministry. Or another way to think about it is whatever trends you’re experiencing as a ministry will accelerate when you expand through multisite. And then, last week, we talked about alignment and the fact that you need to be clear about your purpose and how you engage your mission before you go multisite. And we talked about the fact that multi-stuck churches tend to really lead with their differences, but healthy multisite churches lead with how they’re the same or how they’re aligned or what they have in common. And so last week’s conversation I think will be really helpful for you if you’re, again, considering launching your first multisite location. Or it could answer why you’re dealing with all kinds of tension around your multisite strategy. So make sure you go back and listen to last week’s episode.

Amy (03:11):

Well, as I mentioned up front, we’re gonna talk about launch strategies for new locations in today’s conversation. So Tony, how do you wanna tackle this topic?

Tony (03:21):

All right, so, Amy, here’s the deal. You know, looking at my wiring, my personality, you know, I’ve done the, what is it? Where are the D, the DISC profile? I don’t, is that what it’s called? DISC profile?

Amy (03:33):


Tony (03:34):

And on that profile, the I and the S, don’t even register in my personality for some reason. But the D and C are very high. And what that means is, is like I have a picture in my mind of the way things should be, and then I’m pretty directive about actually making sure that that happens.

Amy (03:59):


Tony (03:59):

And then couple that with the fact that the Enneagram, so the adult know, you know, the boomers were into the DISC, the millennials, they love the Enneagram.

Amy (04:08):


Tony (04:09):

So in the Enneagram, I’m a one, so I it’s. . .

Amy (04:13):

Hey, you’re finally claiming it. I’m proud of you.

Tony (04:15):

Yeah. So, you know, the label is perfectionism. I like to say kind of like, I like to describe it as, “We’re the make-it-better personality on the Enneagram.”

Amy (04:27):

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Tony (04:28):

So we wanna make it better. All that to say, whatever test you take, I think it’s confirming that I have a well-developed gift of cynicism. I think that’s the key thing there. And because of that, I thought if as we’re talking about strategies for new locations, maybe we could kind of focus because it fits my gift of cynicism on the biggest mistakes I see churches making when it comes to starting new locations. And hopefully, some best practices to help those churches that are planning to launch in the coming months.

Amy (05:00):

Well, related to that gift of cynicism, I think you should share what you shared with The Unstuck Group earlier on the Slack channel.

Tony (05:07):

Are you sure I should do that?

Amy (05:08):

Do you remember that?

Tony (05:09):

Yeah, I do. Are you sure I should?

Amy (05:11):

I just think it’ll help people know you.

Tony (05:13):

Okay. All right.

Amy (05:13):

I do. I think so, yes.

Tony (05:15):

Here’s the deal. What, what I’m about to share. We, we have a Slack channel for our Unstuck team, and we frequently get questions about different things related to ministry. One of the recent conversations that landed in our team’s Slack channel was related to the ideal service time, which by the way, I think should be maybe 60 to 65 minutes. Amy, as you know, though, because you and your team do many secret shopper experiences at churches, part of our Unstuck Process, it’s not uncommon for us to experience services that are 90 minutes or longer. And that might include a message that’s 45 to 60 minutes or more.

Amy (06:02):


Tony (06:02):

And Amy, I’m not making that up, am I? You are not. You’ve actually experienced some of those.

Amy (06:07):

I have. I have. In fact, our team generally encourages pastors to keep the message to about 30 to 35 minutes. And it’s, it’s very difficult, right? Even for the very best communicators to keep people continuously engaged during that time frame, even 30 to 35 minutes. So anything beyond that feels, you know, even like a bigger challenge. And in today’s culture, attention spans are only shrinking, right?

Tony (06:33):


Amy (06:33):

Think Ted Talks, there’s a reason why 18-minute TED Talks are really popular. So I just think it’s better to invest in a, a tight 30- to 35-minute message rather than the ones that run longer.

Tony (06:45):

All right. So with that in mind, recently, a pastor asked about this ideal service time. And, I agree again; we’re trying to encourage churches, maybe tighter services, tighter messages. But sometimes, we throw out questions like this on our all-team Slack channel just to get the perspective of our fellow Unstuckers. And by the way, we could probably charge people to subscribe to our internal Slack channels because that’s probably the only place where they really get the unfiltered wisdom of the entire, entire Unstuck team. There’s some good conversation there.

Amy (07:22):

And Tony just, I think for perspective, you know, we’re a consulting organization.

Tony (07:26):

That’s right.

Amy (07:27):

But the majority of our consultants are actually full-time.

Tony (07:30):


Amy (07:30):

Senior pastors, executive pastors. So that’s why we lean on those folks too, cuz they’re in real-time dealing with all these questions and issues that are coming up.

Tony (07:40):

All right. So related to message and service length, though, several of my teammates started to chime in, and then I shared this. The only people who want longer messages are teaching pastors. The only people who want longer worship are worship pastors. And the only people who want longer announcements are ministry leaders who think promoting their ministry is more important than the power of a personal invite. And again, I’ve a, I have a well-developed gift of cynicism, which I am hoping to leverage for today’s conversation about launching new multisite locations.

Amy (08:17):

There’s no question you have that gift and use it frequently. All right, so let’s do that. Let’s dive into the biggest mistakes you see churches making when launching new locations.

Tony (08:29):

Yeah, so here we, here we go. Mistake number one is launching too close or too far from your existing locations. And again, best practices, so that if that’s the mistake, let’s talk about best practices. Ideally, we’re encouraging churches to consider making sure that there’s at least a 20- to 30-minute drive time between new locations and their current locations. So, when you do that, then you’re kind of mapping out all the possible locations in that 20- to 30-minute drive time. Once you do that, what you wanna look for is where are you, where do you already have the most people connected to your church? And this is what’s crazy because church planters actually think in reverse. They’re looking at where are the places on the map where there aren’t people connected to the church? And this is one of the key distinctions between multisite strategy and church planting strategy. Now, what we’ve seen, Amy, is some churches have tried to open locations that ended up being too close, so something within that 20-minute drive time. And what we find in those situations is it really makes it challenging for that new location to get kind of set down roots and actually build momentum because it’s so easy for people to come back to the sending location because the locations are too close to each other. On the other hand, we’ve seen some churches launch locations that were too far away, so maybe outside that 30-minute drive time. And the challenge, the biggest challenge there is typically then churches don’t have a strong enough core of leaders, volunteers, people that are committed to attending services at that new location. And then the other challenge is there may not be existing, I’ll call it brand identity in the community.

Amy (10:33):


Tony (10:33):

In other words, the community just doesn’t know the church. And because of that, the opportunity once a location opens in that, in, in that new neighborhood or that new city, there just aren’t as many people that are familiar with the church, and therefore, it’s more difficult to try to get people to attend the church and stay connected to the church. So, you know, it’s the old location, location, location principle. And because of that, many times I’ve seen churches have chosen, let’s call it a less than perfect facility, but because it was a prime location, that that multisite location just took off. And the reverse is true too.

Amy (11:17):


Tony (11:17):

We’ve seen churches select what were perfect community or perfect facilities. In other words, you know, great space for services, great spaces for children’s environments, adequate lobby space, adequate parking, on down the line. But because it wasn’t in a prime location, the campus struggled. So, one, this is one of the reasons why when we’re talking with churches about launching new locations, we go through, it’s a, it’s a, it’s basically a new location analysis that we use in our, our Multisite Process with The Unstuck Group. And it includes maybe eight to 10 different success factors. And so we wanna walk through all of those different success factors to make sure that locations that the church has in mind actually align with what we’ve seen to be successful as far as launching other locations at other multisite churches. Now, let me share a story. This is from several years ago. But there was a church that we were working with that actually launched a new multisite location only five minutes from where the original church was located.

Amy (12:34):


Tony (12:35):

And then on the other hand, I recently worked with a church that launched a new location more than an hour away from where the original church was located. Now, in both of these instances, it’s not that the way they approached multisite was wrong. They were, I think, leveraging healthy strategies. They were doing all the right things: getting the right campus pastor selected, on down the line. The challenge was the location itself. In both instances, both of these kind of, these multisite initiatives failed for different reasons in both cases, but a lot of it was tied to the location itself. And so, you know, because of this, I’ve had churches, especially when they start to think about locations that are more than that 30-minute drive time, they start to talk about churches like Life Church and New Spring Church in South Carolina and other big multisite churches that they’re not just moving, you know, 20, 30 minutes down the road; they’re actually moving completely across the state or, in, in the case of Life Church, into completely different states. And I just wanna say, you know, that’s a great thing, and it’s working for those churches. But for most churches, it’s gonna be a huge challenge if you’re looking at trying to minister to people that are hours away, states away, that just becomes very, very challenging. So again, mistake number one around launching new locations is that we’re launching either too close or too far from our existing locations.

Amy (14:17):

Great point. All right. Well, the first mistake, like you said, launching too close or too far. What’s the second big mistake you see churches making when launching new locations?

Tony (14:27):

Yeah, the second mistake is launching too fast. And so here’s again, general guidelines that we offer for the churches that we’re serving that are launching a new location. Is it, we tell churches if this is the very first time that you’re opening a new multisite location, at a minimum, you probably wanna plan 18 months in advance for the launch of that new site. For churches that have done multisite launches previously, you can maybe pull that off in 12 months, but you still need 12 months to be able to do that. And what we find is most churches are typically only thinking about the time required to get a facility ready. And because of that, if it’s portable, the lead time really is driven by obtaining equipment, equipment only because there’s not a lot of facility renovation that needs to happen. So it’s a very, for those churches, they’re thinking about a very narrow timeframe.

Amy (15:31):


Tony (15:31):

And then even the churches that are moving into a permanent facility, you know, even in today’s day and age, it’s not unusual for, if it’s renovations that are happening to a facility as an example, you can usually get that done in 12 months or less. But, even that, if this is the very first location that a church is, is opening, really it’s just not enough time. And that’s important to think about the lead time for the facility. But the higher priority really needs to be around people and financial resources. And so let me begin with the people resources. It’s really about building the team, and that’s not just finding the right location pastor, the person that’s going to lead that congregation in this new location, but that is a piece of it. And it’s not just about hiring the rest of the staff, though that does need to happen. Primarily, the team building that takes the most time it’s around developing who is going to be leading, who are the lay leaders, the volunteer leaders that are gonna be driving ministry at this location. And then who are the rest of the volunteers that are gonna be serving on these different key ministry teams? And I’m just telling you, it takes quite a bit of time not only to identify who are the new volunteer leaders, but building out those volunteer teams for the new location. But, Amy, a lot of those volunteers and the leaders are coming from the existing location, and so there’s time involved in kind of backfilling some of those key roles as well.

Amy (17:13):

You know, one of the things that I used to hear in the multisite area was, you know, we used to talk about gestational time, you know? This is kind of the elephant model, right? It’s giving this thing time to grow and get healthy, versus, I think the other extreme was the rabbits, right?

Tony (17:29):


Amy (17:29):

You just go really fast. But I often tell pastors, when you open, especially your first multisite, there’s gonna be this big come and see type of feel around that new location for months. And if all you’re ready to do is fire up the weekend service, you’re missing such a huge opportunity to actually reach and engage people at this new location.

Tony (17:50):

Absolutely. Right.

Amy (17:51):

Did I cut you off? What else goes into that?

Tony (17:53):

So yeah, it’s, not paying attention to the people resources, but also then not paying attention to the finance financial resources that will be required. And so again, for churches that are just starting multisite strategy, I think commonly, they’re thinking about the one-time costs. So what are the launch costs for acquiring facility, acquiring equipment? What are the, what are the launch costs associated with hiring staff? And what they’re not thinking about is the ongoing operating expenses that will be associated with that new location. And I share that because it’s really unlikely that the new location will be financially self-sustaining from day one. Many times we find it’s maybe two to three years before a new location is self-sustaining financially, meaning they’re able to cover all of the campus-specific expenses, they’re able to help financially support all of the central ministry expenses and they’re able to financially contribute to the church’s future mission expansion in their region.

Amy (19:05):


Tony (19:06):

And because of that, I always encourage churches, even if you have the money in the bank for the upfront costs, I would encourage you to consider doing a vision campaign, including a financial campaign that gives people the opportunity not just to contribute to multisite expansion with their prayers, and hopefully a lot of people with their time, they’re committing to serving at the new location, but also to give people a chance to invest financially in multisite expansion, as well. And not only that, but this really does create an opportunity to rally the church behind this aspect of the mission that the church is trying to accomplish. So churches that are new to multisite, they need that additional time to do the hard work around multisite readiness and ministry alignment that we talked about a couple of weeks ago, Amy. But, even the churches that have done this before, they’re gonna need the time to make sure that the teams are in place and that the finances are in place to be able to launch their next location. And what I find, Amy, as senior pastors think that they, they can launch a new location in let’s say two months. That’s not unusual. And by the way, if all you’re trying to do is start a new service, I think you can pull it off in two months. But as you just alluded to earlier, starting a new multisite location is far more than just having a service on Sunday morning. On the other hand, I think executive pastors think it may take two years before they can launch a new location because they’re thinking about all the details that are involved.

Amy (20:50):


Amy (20:51):

But, we find that the right timing is likely somewhere in the middle of those. And like I said, for new churches, maybe our new multisite churches, maybe 18 months ahead of that new location launch. And for churches that have done this before, probably still want to plan on a 12-month lead time. So, again, mistake number two is all about launching too fast.

Amy (21:15):

And Tony just, I don’t know. I’ve been in many churches the past 18 months where I guess through Covid, churches reached out and said, you know, do you, “We wanna become part of your church, or will you take over our campus?” And, you know, that’s probably under this umbrella of a merger, but a merger is also a new multisite location.

Tony (21:35):

That’s right.

Amy (21:35):

And how many churches, Tony, have we worked with that launched too fast into that merger and now they’re stuck and a little time and a pause would’ve helped there.

Tony (21:45):

Yeah. And related to that, of course, I mean, part of where you want to actually create time leading up to the launch of that new campus when it involves a merger, is it’s really healthy for that previous church to shut down for a time period.

Amy (22:03):


Tony (22:04):

So, so that there can be a fresh launch of a new, new campus, of a new church commonly with new leadership at that location. All of that is important.

Amy (22:17):

New culture.

Tony (22:17):

New culture, everything. Yeah. And to create that new identity, having, having a period of time where that previous church shuts down that’s really important. And by the way, many times the excuse for that is you wanna do some renovations on the facility before you open as a new campus. And that’s going to take time. It may take several months, but being shut down for that several months is a really good thing. And if you’re, if you’re launching and using that merged location as one of your campuses, and it’s within that 20- to 30-minute drive time, I think it’s a good thing to invite people that will eventually go to that new campus that you’ve merged with invite them to come to your original location so that they can really experience who your church is firsthand.

Amy (23:10):

That’s right. Absolutely. That, that closing brings the needed closure that something has actually ended, right? Before you relaunch. All right.

Tony (23:19):

That’s right.

Amy (23:20):

So we talked about launching too close or too far. We’ve talked about launching too fast. I think we’ve got time to cover one more today. So what’s the third big mistake you see churches making when launching new locations?

Tony (23:31):

All right. Mistake number three is about launching too small and so, this is our encouragement when we’re working with churches that are considering opening in a new location. It’s that they try to shoot for, for at a minimum opening a location that will have 200 people attending at that location. And the more you launch with, the better the odds are for long-term sustainability of that new location. Unfortunately, we’ve seen churches that have launched new campuses, new locations, too small. And the challenge is when when you launch too small, this is gonna sound like, well, this sounds like a positive thing. How can this be a negative thing? But when you launch too small, here’s the challenge: everyone knows everyone. And what, what tends to happen is quickly the, the campus, the location starts to feel like a family. And what happens then is quickly that new congregation becomes more insider-focused, and it’s harder for new people that are visiting or trying to connect with that location to fit in. And the other thing is, when you launch too small, it makes it difficult to offer multiple service times. And because of that, then again, we know through the years, the more service options that you offer, as far as times are concerned, the better it is because, you know, people are busy and they need that flexibility with different time options available. And so, the other thing is if you launch too small, it becomes difficult to offer the same ministries that are available at the original sending location. And because of that, you go to the smaller church, it doesn’t have the same ministry environments, the same ministry programming, and then it feels like a completely different church. So for all of these reasons, we’re, we’re, again, we’re trying to encourage churches, when you think about new location, think about 200 people at a minimum.

Amy (25:43):

At a minimum.

Tony (25:45):

And because of that, we, we encourage churches, before you even consider launching a new location, you wanna be at least a thousand people in attendance at your original location. And the reason why we encourage that is we think it’s actually a healthy thing for churches to be considering sending out 10% of people that are in their church to launch a new location. And so I’m gonna do a little bit of quick math here for you, Amy. But obviously, if you’re a church of a thousand people and then you send out 10%, that would be a hundred people. What we have found is whatever number of people you’re sending out and that are a part of that core launch team, oftentimes, we see the actual size of that new location will be twice the size of the core launch team. And so if we’re sending out a core launch team of a hundred people, then very likely that means that new location will have 200 people attending. Let me just to, so to make it clear: if it’s a church of 2,000 people, we would be challenging that church, “If you’re gonna open a new multisite location, try to build a core of 200 people.” Ten percent of 2,000 is 200. And then if that church does that, we’re pretty confident that that new location will open with 400 people attending. And again, like I mentioned earlier, gosh, if you can, if you can launch with 400 people, that probably means you can afford to have one or two full-time staff people, including the, the pastor of that new location. It probably will allow you financially to have three to five maybe part-time staff on top of that. And you are, you’re, when you’re a church of 400, you’re able to build a good core staff team then that will help you recruit all of the volunteer leaders and the volunteers that are needed then to maintain healthy ministry in that new location because the reality is you’re probably still going to that 400 need about 180 volunteers, I’m guessing.

Amy (28:01):


Tony (28:01):

It’s probably 30 to 40 volunteer leaders who are going to lead small groups and teams of volunteers. But what we find is when churches launch too small, it, it creates problems around not having enough leaders, enough staff leaders, enough volunteer leaders, enough people volunteering on teams to carry the core ministries that the church expects to have in place.

Amy (28:29):

What I see Tony often is they’re launching smaller than that.

Tony (28:32):


Amy (28:33):

But they’re way overstaffing those campus launches, and then of course they start to bleed financially. So I think it’s really important for ministry leaders to hear these numbers. Because as you talk about having one or two full-time people and several part-time, we are talking about a launch of 400. We’re not talking about a launch of a hundred.

Tony (28:53):

That’s right. Yeah. And so yeah, if it’s 200 people at a minimum we talked about, then probably it’s only one full-time person, your campus pastor, and maybe it’s one to three additional part-time staff. And many churches recognize it’s probably gonna take more staff than that to be able to launch a new location with all the ministries that we wanna have in place. And then, they realize, well, maybe because of that we need to plan to launch larger. Or the other thing is maybe we need to wait a little longer so that we can afford to send out that many people in our core team to sustain that new location.

Amy (29:36):

And yet to play that movie forward, Tony, because if we staff too large at these launches, we’re actually taking staff from the sending location. And I’ve said this, I’ve probably said it many times on the podcast; for multisite to work, that sending location must stay healthy and growing.

Tony (29:53):

That’s right. That’s right. Well, Amy, here’s the deal. Again, when churches launched too small, many times the mistake I see related to this is, you know, they’re thinking through the staff that they’re going to hire, and the reality is it’s easy to find, relatively easy to find and build a staff team. The hard work, though, the work that takes the most time and an investment of resources, people resources is raising up the team of leaders and volunteers who will do all the ministry at that new location.

Amy (30:29):


Tony (30:30):

And this just reminds me several years ago, we were doing some coaching with a church, and they were planning to launch a new location about 90 days out from when they came to us for some coaching. And what we learned quickly is they had done, they had put in no real effort to recruiting leaders, to recruiting volunteer teams, but they were planning on relying on marketing to launch big in this new community. The problem of course is, you know, the bigger your marketing push, and if they would’ve succeeded with that, there’s no way that they would’ve had the ministries in place to be able to sustain that. But the other thing is we find that the bigger your volunteer teams, the more people you have inviting their friends, inviting their family, inviting their coworkers to that new location. And in, in a way, it’s the, the building of the volunteer teams is what’s helping to drive that initial momentum, that initial growth that you’ll see when you launched the new multisite location.

Amy (31:37):

And Tony, I just said this a few minutes ago, but just to reiterate again, what we’re talking about with launching too small, it’s so important because those opening weeks, you know, they’re, you aren’t gonna have a big spike in people checking out the sending location.

Tony (31:52):


Amy (31:52):

You’re gonna have this initial spike of people checking out this new location, and it’s your kind of, your one shot at come and see. And if you’re not ready, then it’s not gonna be the experience that they were hoping for, and your shot with those people that you’re trying to reach in that new community: they, they tried it and didn’t like it, right?

Tony (32:12):

Mm-hmm. That’s right.

Amy (32:13):

Right. Well, Tony, any final thoughts before we wrap up today’s conversation? Any more cynicism you wanna throw in the mix?

Tony (32:19):

Hey, I thought I did a good job of kind of keeping that.

Amy (32:23):

You did.

Tony (32:23):

All right, good. Thank you, Amy. I appreciate that affirmation. So here’s the deal. Whether you are currently a multisite church or again considering multisite in your future, we wanna help you learn these proven strategies for better multisite results and maybe avoid some multisite misery. We don’t want you to become multi-stuck, and that’s why we’re hosting a free webinar on March 30th. It’s called Multisite Better, where we’ll be discussing choosing the best multisite model, tweaks and changes for better results and overcoming some common mistakes around multisite. And you can learn more and register to join us at the link in your show notes.

Sean (33:07):

Well, thanks for joining us on this week’s podcast. Again, if you’re interested in joining us on the upcoming webinar Multisite Better, just go to and subscribe to download the show notes. Next week, we’re back with another brand new episode. So until then, we hope you have a great week.

Tony Morgan

Tony is the Founder and Lead Strategist of The Unstuck Group. Started in 2009, The Unstuck Group has served 500 churches throughout the United States and several countries around the world. Previously, Tony served on the senior leadership teams of three rapidly growing churches including NewSpring Church in South Carolina. He has five published books including, The Unstuck Church, and, with Amy Anderson, he hosts The Unstuck Church Podcast which has thousands of listeners each month.

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