Archives: Resources

Pruning & Prioritizing: Ministry Evaluation

Pruning & Prioritizing: Ministry Evaluation pruning & prioritizing ministry evaluation 1

For ministry and ministry leaders to remain healthy, taking the time to stop and evaluate is a must. Why? Because the natural trajectory of ministry isn’t toward simplicity and narrowed focus, but instead addition and complexity. When left unchecked and in the background, this “scope creep” can begin to silently but effectively choke out health. […]

The Unstuck Church Report: Q1 2023

The Unstuck Church Report: Q1 2023 the unstuck church report q1 2023 1

Get key takeaways from our most recent assessment results in the categories of reach, connection, staffing and structure, finances and overall health. In this quarter’s report, Tony Morgan shares his personal reflections on the data, provides a summary of the data by church size, and highlights the differences between growing and declining/plateaued churches.

4 Things Churches Don’t Actually Need

4 Things Churches Don’t Actually Need 4 things churches don’t actually need ebook

It’s possible to have clarity and alignment and still be doing the wrong things to get the results that you want. In this ebook, we’ll unpack the four things your church doesn’t need to fulfill your God-given mission, and what you need instead, including:  Why your mission field matters more than a mission statement Why your team culture matters more […]