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  • Protected: Order – August 7, 2021 @ 01:25 AM

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  • Protected: Order – August 7, 2021 @ 09:59 AM

    Quarterly Unstuck Church Report

Joshua and the Israelites are camped along the Jordan river. The river is at flood stage. As if that’s not enough of a challenge, Joshua reminds this large group of people, “you have never been this way before.”

Talking about a change management challenge. Here we have a leader trying to move a large group of people to a place that they’ve never been before. To top it all off, there’s a rather substantial barrier in the way.

At this point, Joshua hears from God. God tells Joshua to send the priests out ahead with the ark of the covenant. He also explains that as soon as the priests take their first step into the river, the water will part. Everyone will be able to cross on dry land.

So let me summarize where we are at this point:

  • We have a leader.
  • The leader is trying to take a large group of people to a place they’ve never seen before.
  • There are what appears to be insurmountable barriers in the way.
  • Then you have God telling the leader to do something that’s going to require a miracle.

If you ask me, this is not only a leadership crisis – this is a crisis of faith. Or maybe I’m just interpreting it that way because I know me too well. Here’s what I don’t like about who I am – I always want to know where I’m going to end up. The problem is that God typically doesn’t operate that way. Many times God just tells me my next step.

God: “Put your foot into the water.”

Tony: “I’ve never put my foot into the water before.”

God: “You need to put your foot into the water.”

Tony: “If I do that, what’s my next step?”

God: “I’ll reveal that after you put your foot into the water.”

Tony: “I want to know where I’m going to end up?”

God: “Don’t you trust me?”

The ugly side of who I am is that sometimes my faith is very small. I want to be in control. When I don’t know the final outcome, I’m not in control. Where God is stretching me is in these moments where he’s just asking me to take the next step even though I don’t know where I’m going to end up.

Of course, you’re probably familiar with the story. As soon as the priests reach the Jordan and their feet touch the water, the river stops flowing. The whole nation of Israel is able to cross the Jordan on dry ground.

Typically leaders are control freaks. They want the whole picture. They want to know the end game. The problem is, of course, most times that’s not how God operates. God wants us to hear from him and trust him enough to be willing to just take the very next step.

So, leader, what’s your next step?

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