Eric Bryant just released a new project called A Fruitful Life: Becoming Who You Were Created To Be. Eric serves at Gateway Church in Austin, and he also served at Mosaic in Los Angeles. His previous book is called Not Like Me: AField Guide for Influencing a Diverse World (also known as Peppermint-Filled Pinatas).
I recently had the chance to ask Eric about this new project:
Tony: Tell me about A Fruitful Life.
Eric: This project is about our capacity to have unlimited spiritual influence. According to Jesus, no matter where we come from or what we’ve done or what limitations we may think we have, we actually can become fruitful – living a transformed life and transforming the lives of others. He promises we can bear fruit 30, 60, and even 100 times more than what was sown.
Derived from Jesus’ parable of the soils, A Fruitful Life helps us:
- Discover Our Calling
- Refuse to Give Up
- Refuse to Give In
- Live Out Our Calling
Tony: So many of our readers are really working towards influencing others, but it is far easier said than done. Why do you think this is so hard to pull off?
Eric: Sometimes we make simple things complicated. Jesus explained that if we can avoid being like the first three soils, we could have a life that is described as fruitful. In other words, if we can learn to be receptive (hear God’s voice), tenacious (not give up on what we know we should do), and intentional (avoid distractions), we will be who we’ve always wanted to be. Applying the Scriptures to our life and developing the skills derived from the parable of the soils really is life-changing.
I have seen God do remarkable things in my life, in the lives of others who went through this material in small groups, and in the lives of those who experienced the material in the context of a retreat or sermon series. When we are spiritually receptive, tenacious, intentional, and proactive, we are in the right place for God to work in our lives and through our lives.
Tony: Why do you think having influence is so important?
Eric: I think this message is more important now than ever. As a society we’ve moved from hunting to farming to working in factories into what is now called the Information Age. Seth Godin refers to this period as the time for artists to emerge.
I would like to think of this as the Age of Influence. Technology has given us the opportunity to influence people from across the planet the instant we post something online. The world is smaller and our opportunities are larger.
Tony: What makes this project different from others?
Eric: Actually, I was inspired by one of my conversations with you where you mentioned the advantages of self-publishing. Your Leisure Suit series was extremely helpful and inspired us to get “unstuck” in ways we needed.
By teaming with the Snippet App, we are offering something that is far more interactive than a paperback and much more than an e-book. Each Snippet in this series includes videos and other discoverables, plus the ability to interact with each other.
Tony: You mentioned to me that you have a special offer for my audience.
Eric: I do! I appreciate your leadership and your message to the world so much!
5 people in your audience will win the entire series. Here’s how:
- Download the free overview: A Fruitful Life: Becoming Who You Were Created To Be
- Check out the last chapter on how to become a winner of the next four snippets in the series.
Tony: Thanks so much! Congratulations on this project!
Check out this video with Eric sharing more on A Fruitful Life:
Dr. Eric Michael Bryant serves with Gateway Church in Austin as the team leader for Central and South Austin and as part of the teaching team. Known for their mottos: “no perfect people allowed” and “come as you are, but don’t stay that way.”
Eric coaches church planters and campus pastors, teaches on Post Christian Ministry, and leads a cohort for a Doctorate of Ministry in Missional Effectiveness through Bethel Seminary where he earned his Doctorate of Ministry in Entrepreneurial Leadership. More on these opportunities can be found here.