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  • Protected: Order – August 7, 2021 @ 01:25 AM

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  • Protected: Order – August 7, 2021 @ 09:59 AM

    Quarterly Unstuck Church Report

Lance Witt is a good friend of mine. I’ve had the privilege of working with him over the years. I love what he said about staff teams—I wrote it on my whiteboard.

“The best teams are both healthy and high-performing. They get along well and they get stuff done. They focus on relationships and results.”

high impact teams

It’s the two components together that make an effective organization.

“The best teams are both healthy and high-performing. They get along well and they get stuff done. They focus on relationships and results.” - Lance Witt Share on X

How is your team doing? Is there a strong culture? Are there positive, healthy relationships? Is there healthy conflict?

Every part of the body must be alive and growing. And, no one wants to be a part of an unhealthy, underperforming team. If your staff isn’t satisfied in their ministry and relationships, they will begin to look for another place to serve that can appreciate and cultivate their gifts in a healthy way.

If your staff isn’t satisfied in their ministry and relationships, they will begin to look for another place to serve that can appreciate and cultivate their gifts in a healthy way. Share on X

If you’re not sure where to take next steps, I’d suggest you read Lance’s book. My team and I have also talked a lot about building healthy teams here on my site and over at theunstuckgroup.com.

I specifically suggest checking out our Staffing & Structure Review process. It focuses on building staff health and an effective structure, while making sure each staff member is in the right role based on their giftings. It sets you up to be a high performing team and helps build the framework for a healthy culture. Learn how it works here.

Learn How the Staffing and Structure Review Works



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