October 31, 2022

How Strategic Planning Can Help Grow Your Church

what planning should do for your church

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    Quarterly Unstuck Church Report

This Is How Our Church Consulting Process Works & What You Can Expect to Get Out of It

We know “strategic planning” sounds corporate.

But, terminology aside: Why should you work on your ministry strategy and build action plans? There’s a very good—and a very Biblical—reason for it:

When you make vision actionable, you can empower people in your congregation to do the work of the ministry.

We’ve written before about what strategic planning with our team really feels like. (I’d encourage you to read that if you’re on the fence about whether or not your team would enjoy working with us.) We’ve even explained how to budget and prepare for the strategic planning process.

But if you’re interested in the tangible outcomes, let us outline here the strategic planning phase of our Unstuck Process:

Make the vision plain: Where are we going–and how are we going to get there?

The win for this phase of our process is that you define a future vision with measurable goals and a clear path forward for action. And, we focus on getting you executing and achieving wins in the first 90 days.

1. You go back to basics to clarify your purpose as a church for the whole team.

Starting with Scripture and a focused time of prayer, your team will reflect on your purpose and the biblical bedrock for why you exist as a church.

2. We explore your Mission Field—today and its potential—based on where God has placed your church.

Leveraging our curated report on the demographics of your specific community, you will clarify exactly who is in your mission field. Through a series of facilitated discussions, you’ll identify who you believe God has called you to reach, what’s important to them, and how your church will respond.

3. You’ll build your Discipleship Path.

Your team will find common language to answer the question “What is a disciple?” as well as a shared understanding of how your church will help people take their next steps towards Christ.

4. We’ll help you identify your Reach Strategies and assign a champion.

We help you determine the core reach strategies of your church—the ministries, events and/or strategies that help you grow your Kingdom impact and reach more people. You will identify a champion for strategy and map a plan for next steps to grow your reach.

5. You’ll craft a compelling Vision for the future.

Vision and stategy go hand in hand. After all, you need to know where you’re going in order to strategize on how to get there right? Your team will shape a clear and specific vision for where you believe God is calling the church to be five years from now.

6. You’ll build a Dashboard to monitor church health.

We’ll help you create a dashboard to track key mission goals and monitor progress on priority objectives.

7. We’ll help you break down everything that needs Action to accomplish the future vision.

Then, we’ll help you prioritize the three action steps you need to make over the next three months. In this part of the process, we assist you in developing a regular 90-Day Action Plan rhythm, so that you begin creating greater accountability for follow-through. This helps you teach your team how to execute on quarterly cycles.

8. We’ll coach you as you lead Change.

Your plans will likely involve the need to lead your congregation through some significant changes… That’s why we provide coaching for your leaders and share best practices as you begin implementing your plan.

In this season, simplifying and clarifying your ministry strategy is more important than ever. We want to come alongside you as you figure out your next steps for your leadership and your church… together.

We help pastors clarify where God is calling your church to go in the future and define how you'll get there—and then we coach you as you lead change.

Interested in learning more?

Tony Morgan

Tony was the founder of The Unstuck Group. Started in 2009, The Unstuck Group has served hundreds and hundreds of churches throughout the United States and several countries around the world. Previously, Tony served on the senior leadership teams of three rapidly growing churches including NewSpring Church in South Carolina. He has five published books including, The Unstuck Church, and with Amy Anderson he hosted The Unstuck Church Podcast for 7 years, which has thousands of listeners each month.

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