Archives: Resources

How to Fund Ministry in Uncertain Economic Times

How to Fund Ministry in Uncertain Economic Times fund ministry pdf cover

In these times of economic uncertainty, some things are clear: funding ministry is getting more expensive, and giving to churches is shrinking. That’s why funding your ministry plan for the future is one of the most important matters you need to address to find health. This guide features a series of insights and conversations from The Unstuck Group and other […]

How to Assess Your Church’s Health

How to Assess Your Church’s Health how to assess your church’s health

Just like our physical health, regular check-ups of our church’s health can help prevent larger health failures. That’s why, in this free ebook, Tony Morgan walks through four steps to assess your church’s health: Learning from your church story Analyzing your key data metrics Evaluating your guest experience Identifying future opportunities for health Churches can get […]

How to Restructure Your Church Staff for Growth

How to Restructure Your Church Staff for Growth how to restructure your church staff for growth

In this free ebook, Tony Morgan walks through the four steps you need to take to restructure your staff, including how to: Assess current team health and performance. Clarify decision rights. Evaluate leadership capacity and potential.  Structure for your vision. Your team is the most valuable asset you have for making progress toward your vision. Don’t let […]

The Unstuck Church Report: Q1 2022

The Unstuck Church Report: Q1 2022 the unstuck church report q1 2022

In this quarterly report, get key takeaways from our most recent assessment results in the categories of reach, connection, staffing and leadership, finances and overall health. This quarter, we are also including a bonus section highlighting what the data is telling us about the differences between churches that are growing and declining on this side […]