Q3 2018 Unstuck Church Report
I recently pulled the data for the Q3 2018 edition of The Unstuck Church Report. There are always a few pieces of data that really stick out to me. This quarter, this is what I couldn’t stop thinking about:
But, when I dug deeper, growing churches have one leader for every 11 people in attendance. Almost twice the number of leaders compared to declining churches.
Growing churches have one leader for every 11 people in attendance. Almost twice the number of leaders compared to declining churches. Share on XAnd, as it turns out, it’s not because growing churches hire more leaders—the data showed they are actually empowering more volunteer leaders than declining churches.
These are the kinds of things we learn each quarter when we analyze our data and share The Unstuck Church Report. From ministry finances, to leadership, to connection to reach and health, this report is full of data that you can inform your ministry strategy.
Also, we added something this quarter that I think will be really helpful to church leaders. Based on the churches who have completed the team version of our Unstuck Church Assessment, we share the percentage of churches who found themselves in each phase of the church lifecycle. (You may be surprised by what the data shows.)
Download the latest edition of The Unstuck Church Report here. It’s free. And by signing up you get free updates each quarter.
It’s my hope that you’ll begin tracking these 20 metrics in the life of your church. Because what matters gets measured.