October 9, 2018

How to Assess Your Ministry’s Health: This Is How We Approach It.

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    Quarterly Unstuck Church Report

What steps have you taken to invest in the health of your ministry?

Churches can get stuck in any phase of growth on their way to sustained health. They can also get stuck sliding down the other side of the life cycle, experiencing the pain of ineffectiveness and decline. Our mission is to help churches get unstuck. We believe God desires that every church lives out its purpose at the pinnacle of sustained health.

When something is unhealthy in your life, you stop to assess what’s going on. A doctor may give you a standard series of tests but will ultimately view the results through a lens of experience and wisdom to help you outline your next steps—the path that will help you see the vision you have for your life come into reality.

ministry health assessment

That can be a good metaphor for our process: We help you assess your ministry’s health today, clarify the vision God’s given you for the future, and create the structure and action plans to see it through.

We all want healthy churches but, for some reason, taking time for a check-up isn’t on most pastors’ list of priorities.

I wish more churches would take the step to diagnose potential issues before they start negatively impacting the body. Instead, churches are usually experiencing painful symptoms by the time they engage us to help, when regular check-ups could have prevented major health failures.

If you’re curious what this Ministry Health Assessment process looks like, here’s an overview: 

Get an honest answer to the question, “How are we doing?”

Wise planning begins with an honest assessment of where you are now. An outside perspective and some objective metrics are invaluable allies in getting a clear picture.

  1. We dig into the ministry’s story.

    Your team shares the story—what God has done in the life of your church since the beginning, and the defining moments of your journey related to vision, ministry, reach, attendance, staff and finances.

  2. We analyze the objective health metrics.

    We use two objective assessment tools to help clarify the picture of where you are today: The Unstuck Group’s Vital Signs Assessment and Unstuck Church Assessment. These tools, which draw data benchmarks from assessments with hundreds of churches, help you pinpoint where your church is in its lifecycle today, as well as unpack 16 metrics that give an unbiased snapshot of the ministry’s overall health.

  3. We help you experience your church like a first-time guest.

    Do you know what it’s really like for a guest who attends your church for the first time? Once you see what an unchurched person sees, you can’t “unsee” it. One of our ministry consultants will help you gain a better understanding by experiencing your weekend service through the eyes of an unchurched member of your community.

  4. We help you identify your church’s unique opportunities.

    Your team comes together to analyze what’s healthy and what’s stuck in the ministry from their individual points of view. This facilitated group time reveals strengths and challenges in your ministry that metrics may not have shown. Together, you start building the list of opportunities your church must consider as you move forward.

So, what’s the win for your church in taking time to do this?

You get a fresh perspective on where you have been, where you are now, and where your church may be stuck. That insight sets you up for more effective planning for the future.

Importantly, while some aspects of this process may sound painful, it is actually encouraging and energizing—even for very stuck churches.

The very first principle of The Unstuck Way is that we bring hope. That’s our commitment to you. There’s more detail about the Ministry Health Assessment process on our site. Take a minute to learn how this phase kicks off our Unstuck Process for helping churches get unstuck.

Show Me How It Works


Tony Morgan

Tony was the founder of The Unstuck Group. Started in 2009, The Unstuck Group has served hundreds and hundreds of churches throughout the United States and several countries around the world. Previously, Tony served on the senior leadership teams of three rapidly growing churches including NewSpring Church in South Carolina. He has five published books including, The Unstuck Church, and with Amy Anderson he hosted The Unstuck Church Podcast for 7 years, which has thousands of listeners each month.

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