July 6, 2021

Behind-the-Scenes with the Unstuck Team – Episode 200 | The Unstuck Church Podcast

Unstuck team recording

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Celebrating 200 Episodes of The Unstuck Church Podcast

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Today, we’re celebrating because our podcast is officially 200 episodes old. They grow up so fast!

When we started this project, we truly had no idea that we would be where we are 200 episodes later. And although Amy and I are the voices and “faces” of the podcast, we definitely haven’t gotten this far alone.


To celebrate this special occasion, we decided to take a quick pause from our current series and “pull back the curtain” of the podcast. You’ll get to meet the full team of Unstuck rockstars that help us record, edit, publish, and share this podcast every single week.

We’ve also learned quite a bit over the last couple years of producing this content, so we asked our team to share their tips and takeaways for church leaders. We know that as churches embrace the digital side of ministry, the topics of podcasting, content creation, social media, and marketing are top of mind in this season, so there are some really practical takeaways for your team.

Join us as we celebrate and talk about:

  • How to establish a rhythm for your content
  • 3 tips for your church social media (from a social media manager)
  • Why even seasoned communicators need scripts
  • A special event for our podcast community
When it comes to creating digital content, first ask: who am I trying to serve? Then ask, what problem are they trying to solve, and how can my content help them with the answer? #unstuckchurch [episode 200] Click to TweetDon't just use digital platforms to promote your Sunday service, use them to teach on the content that your Sunday service addresses. #unstuckchurch [episode 200] Click to TweetThe people in your church spend a lot of their day scrolling on social media. If you want to engage them beyond your Sunday service, meet them where they are: online. #unstuckchurch [episode 200] Click to Tweet

Leader Conversation Guide

Our Show Notes subscribers get a PDF download that recaps the episode content and includes a discussion guide you can print out and use at an upcoming meeting.

Opt-in to receive future Leader Conversation Guides, as well as access to the archive.

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We use #unstuckchurch on Twitter, and we start a real-time conversation each Wednesday morning when our regular weekly episode drops. We love to hear your questions and reactions to the topic.

You can follow me @tonymorganlive and The Unstuck Group @unstuckgroup. If Facebook is where you spend your time, I’m there, too.


Amy (00:01):

Well, Tony, we’re doing something different today that I’m pretty excited about. This is actually our 200th episode. And although we’re in the middle of our lifecycle series, we wanted to quickly put that on pause to celebrate and commemorate this milestone by giving our listeners a little behind the scenes look at the podcast.

Tony (00:19):

Yeah, that’s right. Amy, you and I have the pleasure of being the main voices and faces of the podcast. And I definitely do have a face for podcasting but there’s a really quite a bit of work that goes on in the background to make this all happen. So today we wanted to introduce to you some of our friends that keep this machine running every week. And we’ve also learned quite a bit over the last couple of years about producing this content. And we think there are some tips and takeaways for church leaders that might be helpful for you as well, especially as churches embrace the digital side of ministry, the topics of podcasting content creation, social media marketing are all top of mind in this season. So we’re going to be sharing some of what we’ve learned about all of that a little bit later in the episode as well. So I encourage you, though, to stick around because at the very end, rather than me just sharing my final thoughts, which I know everybody looks forward to with every episode, we’re going to be offering an exclusive event for our podcast listeners. And we want you to be a part of that. I won’t spoil it now, but there’s something we’ve never done before. And I think it’s going to be pretty fun. So you’ll want to stick around for the end of this episode, to hear more about that.

Amy (01:37):

People you aren’t going to want to miss this. So anyways, let’s jump right in, Tony. Today we’re joined by our full podcast crew, which includes Sean Bublitz, Tiffany Deluccia, Jordan An and Melissa LaCross. Welcome you guys.

Team (01:52):

Hello, welcome everyone.

Amy (01:54):

Well, Sean, let me start with you. Since most of our podcast listeners will probably recognize your velvety voice, but may not know your full role at The Unstuck Group and everything else that you do related to the podcast. So can you just tell us a little bit about your role, Sean?

Sean (02:10):

Yeah, I do get the honor and privilege of being the opener for Tony and Amy each week. And so get to just set up the podcast and close out the podcast each week. But my real job on the podcast, I am, I gave myself this title. It sounds very official. I’m the technical producer, so it sounds official, but that just means I edit the podcast and try to make things sound good and write and record the intros like normal. And then just kind of monitor our download data. So we’re watching over time to see what podcasts are most helpful, what podcasts pastors and leaders are engaging with the most and that helps us to serve them better. So I monitor those things as well. So my role at The Unstuck Group though, I spend most of my time talking with pastors who are reaching out, just exploring whether what we do is a good fit for what they need as a church right now. So in addition to the podcast, I get to do that. And so it’s an awesome job.

Amy (03:04):

So really, Sean though, I think if I were to describe you to somebody, it’s almost like you could do any role on The Unstuck Team. You’re our like major utility player, if anything ever needs to get done, we know that he can do it, right?

Tony (03:18):

He’s the MacGyver of The Unstuck Group.

Tiffany (03:21):


Amy (03:22):

That’s a better title than technical director

Sean (03:25):

What I’ve been aspiring to my whole life. So it’s good to finally arrive.

Amy (03:29):

And Sean, you get the privilege, right? Of kind of as you edit, getting all the bloopers out of our podcast, which I know there’s not many.

Tony (03:37):

Very few of those. Very few. Yeah. But do take a few things out from time to time.

Amy (03:42):

And then you put them in our slack channel for everyone.

Sean (03:44):

And then I share them with our team.

Amy (03:48):

Well, Sean, thanks for joining us today as always. And now let’s pass it on to Tiffany Deluccia, who’s our director of marketing and sales for The Unstuck Group. Tiffany, actually, our listeners have heard you. I think you still have one of the top three podcasts that we’ve ever seen of the 200 that we’ve ever created as one of our guest speakers. So will you just introduce yourself and what you do?

Tiffany (04:09):

That’s probably a top episode cause people still don’t understand what I do. I head up Sales and Marketing for The Unstuck Group. So big picture, my role is to help us create the content and find ways to get it in front of pastors who are feeling stuck or dealing with different elements of ministry strategy or challenges and decipher what they’re feeling and take steps towards getting healthy. And so I kind of sync up the two different sides of the team that you’ll meet here in a bit and work with Sean pretty closely. And on the podcast, I’ve got a bird’s-eye view on what felt needs are we trying to hit? How are we helping pastors solve the real challenges that they’re dealing with on a daily basis? And make sure that we’re producing the kinds of things that are practical and help you to take this back to your team and to have a good conversation about it.

Amy (05:05):

Tiffany, I was just using your role as an example with the churches I’ve been working with because when churches are trying to launch this new digital ministry strategy, I talk to them about you because you just said my job is to help stuck pastors find us. Well, churches are trying to help people far from God, far from the church, find their church. And so it’s a really similar overlay. Don’t you think, Tony?

Tony (05:28):

Absolutely. And honestly, Tiffany’s underselling herself because in reality, she’s actually running the entire team. I mean, this is what we love about Tiffany is that she makes me, she makes others think we’re actually leading the team, but actually Tiffany is actually running everything behind the scenes. That’s the way it works out. Well let’s just stick with the marketing side of things. Let’s go to Jordan, who is one of the more recent to our staff, but serves as our digital marketing manager. Jordan, tell us a little bit about your role.

Jordan (06:04):

Yeah, hi everyone. As Tony mentioned, I’m a little new here. I started working full-time at The Unstuck Group just about a month ago. So I work with Tiffany on the marketing team, all things marketing related. But in terms of the podcast, I’m in charge of creating our show note descriptions and pulling together the leader conversation guide that you get in your inbox every week. And if you ever see anything on social media go out, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, that’s all me too.

Tony (06:30):

Yeah, and Jordan started out, I think it was several years ago. She was part of our intern program. So if you want to learn how to get a job at The Unstuck Group first, you have to become an intern, right, Jordan?

Jordan (06:45):

Be an intern, and then don’t leave him alone for the next two years. That’s all it takes.

Tony (06:52):

All right. And then that brings us to Melissa, who does a very special job for the podcast. Melissa, do you want to explain your role?

Melissa (07:03):

Sure. I’m Melissa. I’ve been copy editor at The Unstuck Group for the last two years, and I edit the podcast transcript each week. Sean edits the audio, and I work on the transcript. So most of my regular work at The Unstuck Group includes editing and formatting formal reports and guides for churches that consultants create. But the podcast adds a little spice to my work each week because most written reports are in proper English and complete sentences, but people don’t really speak in complete sentences all of the time.

Amy (07:46):

That’s more Tony than me, right? He’s the one who doesn’t have the complete sentences.

Melissa (07:48):

Oh yeah. For sure. So the editing work that I do tends to be mostly finding some formality out of conversation and casual words instead.

Tony (08:04):

You’re being kind, Melissa, your primary job is to edit out all the “uhs” during the podcast recording. So let’s just let this just make your job a little bit harder for this coming week’s transcript. Uh, uh, uh, uh.

Tiffany (08:24):

Melissa also gets a front row seat to all of the bloopers and interesting things that we say that get edited out of the final version.

Tony (08:31):

That’s true. That’s very true. All right. Thanks, Melissa. Thank you for what you do. I’m so glad that you are a part of our team and helping with this. Amy, am I forgetting anybody else?

Amy (08:43):

I think that’s it for our official team, but of course, you know, our broader Unstuck Team, our consultants, they play a major role in it too, because they really help us keep our ear to the grounds on the needs, the real needs and the real pain point, that churches are facing across the country, and Canada, and maybe England, you know, which hopefully help us to stay more relevant and come up with ideas that are helpful and actionable for what our listeners are experiencing.

Tony (09:11):

Yeah. That’s a great point, Amy. And that’s our goal for the podcast. We want to help church leaders get unstuck, and we want to create content that’s actually helpful with that in mind. So now might be a good time to remind you if you have ideas that you want to hear us talk about on the podcast, feel free to reach out to us on Twitter @unstuckgroup or @tonymorganlive.

Amy (09:35):

And now that Jordan’s onboard, I can’t say you scolded me, maybe mocked me, but I might have to get my Twitter back up and running too, Tony. And when I do that, I’ll plug myself on this one too, cause I’m sure I’ll have some really interesting things to say, mostly about gardening, I guess. Well, we definitely don’t want to spend the entire time talking about ourselves, but hopefully you get the point that we’re making today is that this way that we reach out to you, how we communicate with you, hopefully how we’re helping draw you towards, you know, the resources that we have. It takes a team. You know, I remember, Tony, when I worked the weekend at our church, I knew the thousands of people listening to our senior pastor thought this guy’s brilliant. You know, he does it all. He wrote this whole thing. He came up with all those illustrations. He put these notes page together, all of that, but it was never, I mean, he would never say that either, but it was like, there’s this whole team behind the podcast, behind what we do at our churches. It’s always a team. It’s never a cowboy. So it’s not easy, but because our mission is to help churches and church leaders, we’re committed to meeting you where you are and letting you learn from our failures and our successes along the way. So I actually want to turn it back to our team for what are hopefully some actionable insights as our church leaders lean into this idea of creating content and moving forward digitally in the months and years to come.

Tony (10:59):

Yeah, I think we’ve learned a lot from the time that we’ve spent creating this podcast and Sean, maybe you can give us some wisdom and advice when it comes to the production side of things. What have you learned that might be helpful to church leaders as they’re considering some of these same opportunities to extend new content to their congregation and to their community?

Sean (11:21):

Well, I think if we can pass on some of what we’ve learned. So as a church is thinking about creating a podcast or some kind of content that this would be helpful. Maybe they could start out a little more ahead than we did. It’s interesting. Producing a podcast or creating a podcast or content like that, it really kind of parallels the process that we take churches through when we’re onsite and consulting with them. And we ask a few really key questions, and I think you have to answer those same key questions if you’re starting a podcast or creating content, and the first one is who are you trying to serve? And for us here at The Unstuck Group, I mean the intent of the podcast is we’re trying to serve pastors and church leaders who are in day-to-day ministry. And we’re trying to bring new insights, new data to help in any way we can with the things that are the most immediate need for them. That’s really, the second question is then, what problem are they trying to solve? Not what problem are we trying to solve? What problem are they trying to solve? And then how do we address that? The third question then how can our podcast help them with the answers of what they’re trying to solve? And so, you know, the biggest thing when it comes to production is a podcast is a lot of work. I don’t know that we realized that when we first started podcasting, but a podcast is a lot of work. It’s not as simple as just turning on the microphones and hitting record. We put hours and hours into this each week for both from, you know, scripting the podcast to recording to editing to the marketing behind it. And so, make sure that if you’re going to start a podcast or some kind of reoccurring content like this, plan ahead. I think we wish we always have had more time than we actually do when we’re working on the podcast. So you have to plan ahead. And build a team to help you, because like, you know, as we’re talking through this here, we’ve got our podcasting team. There’s six of us who are working weekly on the podcast. And we stay pretty busy on this content. So you’re going to need a team around you to do this well, and then start less frequent than your long-term goal would be. So putting out content less frequent than what you would like to be at, and then work into it over time, because you’re going to learn so much along the way, things that you don’t know what you don’t know right now. And you don’t want to over commit and then under serve those people that you’re trying to help with their issues.

Sean (13:49):

Yeah, that’s all good, Sean. I especially appreciate that challenge to really think about who are you trying to serve and what problem are they trying to solve? Because I’ve seen pastors want to mimic the type of content that we’re creating for through The Unstuck Church Podcast, which would serve other pastors, but it really doesn’t help address the needs of the person that the church is really trying to reach. And so it’s going to be a whole different type of content strategy that you’re using for that purpose. And I think that’s where the real opportunity exists for podcasting. And along those lines, Tiffany, maybe you could help us think about how we should approach podcasting as it relates to marketing and content planning.

Tiffany (14:39):

Sure. I’ll key off of what Sean was just saying. And take that a little bit further. I think deciding on the frequency of your podcast is a really important conversation upfront. We committed, when we first started, I think we started out with a monthly podcast, and it’s really hard to get traction and gain a recurring audience when you’re only releasing one episode a month. So then we jumped right into weekly, and we have been doing weekly ever since, which is a lot of work. And I think that we took maybe a little break during the summer of 2020 when everybody was just exhausted from responding to COVID crises.

Amy (15:19):

I remember that. Remember that? 2020?

Tiffany (15:20):

Yeah. Yeah. I think that there are other ways you can approach it with a podcast. And so just take some time to consider it. If you have the team in place, weekly is probably the best way to build a loyal audience that’s tuning in and downloading every single time you drop a new episode, and just to build that sense of community around a podcast, but there’s other ways to approach it. And there are a lot of successful podcasts that do this. You can drop a whole season at one time. You can approach it in seasons upfront. Even if you’re going to drip them out, you can say, we’re going to do 10 episodes and that’s a season, and we’re going to orient this whole season around a certain topic. So you can take it a few different ways, but I think that spending some time really considering that upfront because if you start out weekly, you’ve got to have the team in place to keep it up, or you will drop off and lose all your momentum. And if you start out monthly, you may not ever get going. So it’s worth a considered conversation. Another thing I think we learned is podcasting feels a little bit like you’re speaking into an empty space. Even if you start to build some momentum around downloads and you know people are listening, you don’t know anything about them. You don’t know who they are, you don’t have a natural way to interact with them. So we, about halfway through the first year, added a way for people to subscribe via email. And that’s the podcast show notes that many of you get now. So I’d recommend if you’re starting a podcast, have that reason to subscribe via email upfront. We’ve gotten so much more insight and ability to interact with our podcast audience since we added that. And it gives us so much more, just a much better sense of what’s connecting rather than just relying on download data from our podcast platform. The third thing I would say is once we did decide on a weekly podcast rhythm, and we decided to commit to that, we started to find that weekly cadence became the rhythm for planning all of our content. And about a year ago, we reoriented all of our content planning to align with the podcast. And I think a lot of churches, I mean, all churches, you already have that weekly content rhythm, it’s your Sunday service or your weekend service. But most churches that I’m seeing are still not orienting other aspects of their digital strategy around the topic. It’s like all of the digital strategy is around the promotion of the weekend. And I think that this is a big area where churches could shift to a more strategic approach. If you’re already planning a content series, start to create your promotions in multiple formats for the content itself, not just for getting people to the weekend. That maybe where your podcast series mirrors your sermon series or your weekend series, but the call to action isn’t come to the weekend. The call to action here is just listen, and then you give people next steps to take from listening.

Tony (18:17):

That’s good, Tiffany. And on that note too, I like the fact that we have that email subscription now to connect with the podcast listeners. And so again, too, I mean, just reply to the email if you have thoughts or ideas that you would like us to pursue a little bit deeper when we’re thinking about new topics for the content on our podcast as well. So Jordan, I don’t know if people realize this. It’s probably fascinating for people to know. I mean, there are about a dozen of us on staff at The Unstuck Group. One of the roles is dedicated primarily to social media strategy. That’s you. So maybe you can explain a little bit about how your role fits into what we’re doing with the podcast as well.

Jordan (19:02):

Yeah. First of all, I would say, if you don’t currently get that show notes email, go to theunstuckgroup.com/podcast and make sure you subscribe to that. In terms of social media, things that I would encourage pastors to just start thinking about is the one thing we all know about social media is that it’s always changing. So it’s easy to get overwhelmed and feel like quitting before you even really start. But my first thing I would encourage is to just show up and try, because if you want to talk about engaging people where they are, your people spend a lot of their day scrolling on social media, and if your church doesn’t have a presence there, someone else is filling that space. And if you want to be engaged with your people beyond just Sundays, you have to show up where they are, and that’s online. So my first thing would be to just focus on showing up in a way that’s sustainable over time, we’re talking about, you know, setting sustainable rhythms. So I would say prioritize consistency over trying to follow every new trend and every new feature, just focus on showing up in ways that are sustainable. My second thing would be that you don’t have to do it alone. If you’re someone, you’re a pastor without any design or marketing experience, please do not download Photoshop and start trying to crank out a month’s worth of social posts from scratch. I don’t even do that. And social media is my job. So that’s just not being a good steward of your time, and it’s not sustainable. So if you have a limited time and energy to dedicate toward social media, there are resources out there that can help you. Canva is the best free one I can think of. And I know that Church Media Squad does a lot of options around that as well. So there are options that don’t involve you trying to learn Photoshop on top of every other responsibility you have in your week. And then my last suggestion would just be to empower someone else. In most of the churches I’ve attended, the worship pastor or youth pastor ends up in charge of all things design and social media related, simply because they’re the youngest team member on the staff. Not only is that a miss, if that person has no experience or interest in those areas, it’s actually a missed opportunity for you to empower someone else in your congregation. Do you have college students attending your church? Are any of them marketing or design majors? I would encourage you to consider setting up some kind of marketing or design intern position at your church, or if you even have full-time working professionals attending your church that work in these fields, ask for volunteers. It doesn’t have to be one person doing all of it. But my main suggestion would just be, if it’s not an area of interest or gifting, try to avoid placing the burden of social media on the plate of someone that’s already a full-time staff member.

Amy (21:50):

It’s just sounds like, as you’re saying that, there’s some intentionality with social media. It’s not just being on it, but actually having a plan. Would you have any advice, Jordan, for our listeners around the various platforms that are out there? On maybe where they should double down? Or I dunno, just any advice.

Jordan (22:09):

Yeah, I would say you might not think of this as social media, but what Tiffany said about email is really good because people are still using email. And I think meeting them there is a great place to start. Beyond that, every church should have a Facebook page. It’s like your website 2.0. If you don’t have a Facebook page, I’m assuming you’re a church that doesn’t exist anymore for the most part. And then we’re having fun with right now is just experimenting on Instagram, and especially if you’re a church that’s been live streaming your services or uploading recordings of your services, man, you literally have hours of video content that you can be cutting down and pushing to Instagram. So I would encourage church leaders to experiment with that too.

Amy (22:54):

Jordan, we’re going to love having you on the team. I love the boldness by what she just said that about if you don’t have a Facebook page.

Tony (23:01):

She fits. Let’s hire her. Oh, she’s already hired.

Amy (23:06):

Well, Melissa, your role on our team was a little bit different as you talked about earlier, but I would actually love to hear your thoughts, any thoughts you have related to effective communication, whether it’s written or verbal, like here in the pocket.

Melissa (23:19):

Yeah, sure. I’m going to stick with verbal because I’ve noticed a lot of differences in just effective communication as I’ve been editing the podcast transcripts. I’d say the most important factor, especially in a podcast setting, is to have a script. Even if you’re a seasoned public speaker and you’re used to speaking to people or you’re really laid back and you feel like the idea of a script will just make you sound fake or hokey or inauthentic, a script helps cut back on the number of restarts and filler words. It helps cut back on random tangents that people just seem to make when they talk. And we’re often unaware of how we sound when we speak until we hear it played back, and a script can help with that to planning ahead with that content. What’s even better is to practice it aloud a few times beforehand. And it just allows for changes that will need to be made if wording doesn’t sound natural or it will point to places where the conversation could get tricky or not make any sense. A script is great. It prevents people from leaving out important points so that your podcast episode actually makes sense and comes to some point. And also it makes the job of the transcript editor and the audio editor a lot easier.

Amy (24:50):

There it is. There it is.

Melissa (24:54):

Because then there’s less to do in post-production. And so once you record, there’s a lot less effort that has to be made in order to get the podcast ready to be released to the public. So if you practice, you can make sure you time yourself, you can make sure the episode isn’t too long or too short, that it hits all the targets. So that’s what I would suggest ahead of time is the pre-work so that the post-work and the podcast sound more professional and are exactly what you are aiming for.

Amy (25:29):

That’s really good, Melissa. Thank you. Well Tony, how about we let Sean, Tiffany, Melissa and Jordan off the hook so that we can just discuss a few of the things that we’ve learned.

Tony (25:37):

Yeah. So yeah. Thank you. All of you, not only for what you’re doing consistently for the podcast, but more importantly, what you’re consistently doing to help us accomplish our mission at The Unstuck Group, and to be able to serve churches, serve pastors and help churches have a greater kingdom impact. I’m so grateful for what you add to our team.

Amy (25:58):

Well, okay, Tony, I just loved having them on the podcast. I hope everyone enjoyed that, but let me pass it back to you. What do you think are some of your insights or learnings from being a part of the podcast that you think church leaders could benefit from?

Tony (26:12):

Yeah. So first let me just give you an insight related to who I am. Through the years as I’ve been doing writing, as I’ve been doing podcasting, for me, this is just, I’m trying to be a coach to you. I’m trying to help you take your next steps in your leadership. But what I’ve learned is it actually helps me personally to have time to process. As I’m thinking about the content that I’m creating and delivering, it really helps me hone who I am as a Christ follower and a leader. And so I hope you look at this as an opportunity for your development as well. The second thing, though, that I want to highlight here is why we have to remember the podcast is just a tool. It’s just a strategy. And sometimes when I see church leaders gravitating to things that have become hot, whether that’s in the past been contemporary worship or small group strategy or multi-site strategy, or now in current days, digital ministry strategy, including podcasting, I think sometimes we gravitate too quickly to the strategy changes that we think are needed and don’t step back and consider the mission that we’re on, and the mission should drive the strategies that we use. And so, Amy, those are the two things that come to mind. One more personal, but one, I just want, as you’re hearing us talk about podcasting and the important role it plays in our mission, I don’t want you to lose sight of it’s just a strategy. And at some point in the future, podcasting is not going to be the strategy that helps us accomplish our mission. But today that really helps us do that.

Amy (27:57):

Just a couple of things that came to mind as you were talking. You know, you said, you started talking about just your personal bent. And I think if I look at the history of our podcast, I think the initial design wasn’t you. In other words, I think the way we’ve structured it now reflects kind of how you’re wired. And I think we get the best out of you because of it. You know, we try to get to the point, you often get to the point. We try not to talk longer than we need to. And that, you know, one of our values is we want to prescribe and in this place, in this case, present content that can be digestible. In other words, it’s an increments that people can handle. We don’t want people to feel overwhelmed. In fact, we sometimes feel like we’re overwhelming people, and we try to just cut it back to maybe a step or two that they could take related to that. And I think it’s important because we can talk for a half hour and have so much content that it’s not helpful, or we could use too much filler, too much humor, too many, I think as Melissa talked about, if we didn’t script, as, you know, as much as we did, I’m afraid we would go down some bunny trails that wouldn’t be helpful. So just, you know, people give you time, they’ll try your podcast, whatever digital content, they’ll try it. It needs to be meaningful and helpful, or people will move away from it. Don’t you think, Tony?

Tony (29:14):

Yes. And so you just tapped into something that really, kind of sometimes motivates me and sometimes almost agitates me, and that is I don’t ever want to be putting out content that is just based on theories that are circulating in my mind. I want to make sure that as we’re putting out content, it’s very specific and it’s very practical and it’s based on the successes that we’re seeing in ministry and so for you too, as you’re considering podcasting and the opportunity to engage in this way to share content. I hope you’ll use that too as a foundation for anything you put out. Make sure there’s some success behind what you’re talking about, that people are seeing taking next steps, that people are experiencing health in their lives because of this. And as a result of this, you’re providing some specific and practical next steps that they can be taking as well.

Amy (30:10):

Yeah. Cause they just gave you a half hour or however long it is. And you want them to leave a little bit changed and feel a little bit more equipped after digesting that content. All right. Well, Tony, I have to ask. Any final thoughts before we wrap up today’s conversation?

Tony (30:24):

Yeah. I don’t have any final thoughts today, Amy, but what I do have is this information about this upcoming event that I want to share. So let’s go there. Here’s what’s going on. Now that we’ve officially reached 200 episodes, our team has set a goal to accumulate 200 reviews. And I believe as of now we have about a hundred or so reviews. And so I think this is doable, but we wanted to provide a little bit of incentive too, so here’s what you need to do. If you leave a review on Apple Podcast, email a screenshot of your review to Jordan@theunstuckgroup.com that’s jordan@theunstuckgroup.com or tweet the screenshot to us @unstuckgroup or @tonymorganlive and use the #unstuckchurch. We’ll grab your email address and add you to the invitation list for this gathering. Anyone who completes those stats will be invited to join Amy and me. I don’t think the rest of the team’s going to be there. It’s just going to be Amy and me. So sorry about that. We’re calling this our podcast coffee hour. It’s going to be on Zoom on Friday, August 13th. We’re all gonna hop on a call together. And this’ll be just time for us to talk, whether that’s about the podcast itself or questions that you have for Amy or me. I’m looking forward to this. I’m going to have my best cup of coffee ready. So if you’ve left a review in the past, we want you to be a part of this because you know, you were one of the early adopters and you’re still welcome to participate. Just again, take a screenshot of your review, email it to us, or tag us on Twitter, and we’ll make sure you get added to the list as well.

Amy (32:16):

And I think Tony, we’ll put all those instructions that you just rattled off in the show notes as well. So in case you didn’t catch it, it’ll be there for our listeners as well. But I’m excited, Tony, we’ve never done anything like that before. And you know me, I like to hang out with people. So that’ll be fun. Before we sign off, just a quick reminder that we’ll be wrapping up our lifecycle series at our normal date and time this Wednesday. So be sure to keep an eye out for that. Thanks everyone for joining us today. Hope you have a great rest of your week.

Tony Morgan

Tony was the founder of The Unstuck Group. Started in 2009, The Unstuck Group has served hundreds and hundreds of churches throughout the United States and several countries around the world. Previously, Tony served on the senior leadership teams of three rapidly growing churches including NewSpring Church in South Carolina. He has five published books including, The Unstuck Church, and with Amy Anderson he hosted The Unstuck Church Podcast for 7 years, which has thousands of listeners each month.

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