High Impact Teams Workshop
An On-Site Management & Culture Workshop for Your Staff Leaders
Workshop Deliverables
Note: Coaching for the senior pastor and the executive pastor is available on a month-to-month basis as you implement the action plan.
How will your team benefit?
You can lead staff teams that get stuff done and love working together—productive and high-performing, as well as spiritually, emotionally, and relationally healthy.
Rooted in biblical principles and best practices, this workshop helps you empower your leaders and alleviate ineffectiveness, stress, tension and problems with follow-through. We help your leadership assess and optimize their teams in six key areas:
This experience can help you begin to close the gap between vision and action. You will re-energize your team for the work God’s called you to do.
You can lead staff teams that get stuff done and love working together — spiritually, emotionally, and relationally healthy, as well as productive and high-performing.
Start a conversation today to learn how this facilitated workshop experience can help you identify core issues in team health and performance, clarify strengths and roles, build alignment, develop management skills, improve meetings, shape a healthy culture and more.