A few years ago, our team set out to help pastors get a clearer understanding of the health of their churches. We believed access to a better scorecard for ministry would show them where they were making an impact and where their churches might be stuck. What resulted was the development of Vital Signs.
I’ve written several eBooks. This one by far has created the most questions.
When you can honestly and accurately acknowledge unhealthy areas of your ministry, you can address them to move forward. That’s what this eBook is all about; bringing your leaders together around reality so you can improve it.
Today, I’m excited to release the 2016-2017 edition of Vital Signs: Why Church Health Matters and 14 Ways to Measure It.
In the past two years, our research pool has grown to over 200 churches! So, we’ve updated the benchmarks, added a new metric, and included stories of what some of the Top 10% churches are doing differently. If you happen to have read the 2014 edition of this resource, you’ll find plenty of new content in this updated edition. Here’s what the Vital Signs eBook can help you accomplish:
- Assess the full health of your church with 14 key metrics
- Discover which aspects of your ministry fall within the Top 10%, Average, or Bottom 10% ranges based on 200+ churches
- Unite your leaders around a shared definition of your church’s strengths and weaknesses
- Move from diagnosing health to setting new direction for your church
If you’re ready to understand the true health of your church, I hope you’ll grab a copy of Vital Signs: Why Church Health Matters and 14 Ways to Measure It. I really believe it can provide the perspective you need to assess your health, establish your starting point, and build a plan for the future.
[button link=”https://theunstuckgroup.com/store/vital-signs/” color=”default”]Get the Vital Signs eBook Here[/button]
Also, included with the eBook this time around is a FREE Vital Signs Report.
This customized report will automatically calculate your metrics and provide a summary of your results. It’s the first step for every client of The Unstuck Group and a $199 value on its own. But we’re providing it to you free-of-charge when you purchase the Vital Signs eBook.