March 1, 2017

#Multistuck: 4 Mistakes Churches Make When Launching a Campus

Multisite Churches Campus Launch Webinar

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    Quarterly Unstuck Church Report

As the number of churches engaging in a multisite strategy continues to grow, so do the number of botched campus launches. Iā€™m not trying to be negative. Iā€™ve just seen this strategy go wrong a lot of times.

Sometimes it goes wrong because the church leaders dreaming about it are building their foundation on some serious misconceptions about multisite.

But sometimes churches with a great strategy and all the right reasons to go multisite still get stuck. Sometimes multisite churches donā€™t get stuck until trying to launch that third or fourth campus and their single-location mindset doesnā€™t cut it anymore. Sometimes they’ve just copied another successful multisite church without considering what strategy is going to work best in their context.

Donā€™t get me wrong: I truly believe a healthy approach to launching campuses can help you lead more people in your region to Christ. But launching new campuses can also quickly turn organizational cracks into significant gaps.

So, what steps can you take to avoid getting stuck on your multisite journey?

On Wed., March 15, Iā€™m hosting a webinar to dive into the 4 most common reasons campus launches fail, based on my teamā€™s experience serving in and consulting with multisite churches across the country. Iā€™ll be talking with some folks whose insights and wisdom on multisite strategies I greatly respect:


As in most things, thereā€™s wisdom in a multitude of counselors. We hope youā€™ll join us to learn from some of our successes and failures in this department. Space is limited, so youā€™ll want to register sooner rather than later. To everyone who registers, weā€™re also giving away a free guide to gauge your readiness to launch a campus — 10 Multisite Readiness Checkpoints. Hope to see you there!

UPDATE: This event has already taken place. You can catch theĀ replay on YouTube.

YouTube video

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