Download the Q3 2022 Unstuck Church Report
Every quarter, The Unstuck Group compiles all the data we’ve collected to monitor trends in churches in the United States and around the world. For this quarter’s report, we only included churches that provided data during the six weeks between June 23 and August 4, 2022. This provides a very current snapshot of ministries of all shapes and sizes.
The Latest Trends in Church Health & Growth
The Unstuck Church Report consists of 20 metrics that highlight trends with an impact on church health. We focus on several key areas to give you benchmarks and an objective look at where the Church may be headed:
- Ministry Reach
- Ministry Connection
- Ministry Staffing & Leadership
- Ministry Finances
- Church Lifecycle Data from the Last 12 Months
One of the unique features of this quarter’s report is the summary by church size that is included at the end of the report. As you’ll see in that table, the data points to several areas where there’s little to no difference between small churches and large churches—On the other hand, there are some areas where there seems to be a disparity between small and large churches.
Get Your FREE Copy of The Q3 2022 Unstuck Church Report
We received survey responses from 315 churches that ranged in size from under 100 to several thousand in physical attendance for worship gatherings. The average in-person attendance of churches that participated was 646 people, and those same churches also had 427 views every week through their online services or messages.
Get the full report, full of fresh data and key takeaways in the categories of reach, connection, staffing and leadership, finances, and more.
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