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    Quarterly Unstuck Church Report


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The Church Merger Roadmap: Road Signs for the Merger Journey

September 27, 2022
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Dealing with Less Frequent Attendance Patterns

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New Data on Church Health & Growth (By Church Size)

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4 Signs of Unhealthy Volunteer Teams

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15 Random Thoughts on Church Volunteer Engagement

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What Volunteers Want From Your Church

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When Is the Right Time To Restructure Your Church Staff?

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How Much Should Churches Spend on Their Church Staff?

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Staffing and Structure: 15 Differences Between Healthy and Stuck Churches

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Casting Vision for Your Marriage

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Doing Ministry Without Losing Your Soul

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How the “Culture of Honor” is Hurting Churches

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The Need for Speed: An Insane Pace Isn’t the Price Tag of Leadership

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Practical Wisdom from Growing Churches | Q2 2022 Unstuck Church Report

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Church Keywords: Create A Digital Impact With Your Sermons (3 Simple Steps)

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Leading Change: Leading Scared

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Simple Shifts: Are the Changes Your Church Needs to Make Really That Big?

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How Multisite Can Wreck Your Church

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