November 28, 2012

5 Ways To Hurt Your Church Brand


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Recently, we shared 5 Ways to Build Your Brand Outside the Church. Here are 5 common mistakes that damage church brands.

1. Neglecting Your Website  Many websites fail to get expected results because of:

Bad Design – Connect with your community through imagery/icons/symbols that aren’t solely “Christian” in nature. Speak their language to get conversations started. Your website only has about 7 seconds to capture someone’s attention.

Confusing Navigation – Create clear navigation for your users. No one wants to waste time clicking around; people should be able to find the information they are looking for right away. Service times, directions and contact information should be located within seconds of arriving on your website.

Broken Functionality Make your site visible across multiple browsers, including various types of cell phones. Today, 87% of smart phone owners access the web through their mobile device.

Static With No Interaction  Video increases your chances of being found in a search engine by 53 times. A wall of text is a dead-end for interactive experience; include images, videos and podcasts as opportunities arise. Focus on offering a balance of text/imagery.

Outdated and Irrelevant Content  Constantly check your site for up-to-date content. The Information Age is fast and furious; if your website content is outdated, your end user will quickly move on. Today, 65% of daily internet users read a blog.

To learn more about creating a website that engages visitors and members, you can download this free eBook.

2. Thinking Your Logo Doesn’t Affect Perception  Evaluate your logo. Is it outdated? Cliche? Too flashy? Is it trying to communicate too many elements? Your logo is 10 times more likely to be remembered than any other identifying piece of your branding strategy. 

3. Creating Brand Confusion – Set out as many promotional items as you can find (business cards, bulletins, invite cards, pens, shirts, website, etc.). Does your brand carry the same look and feel across all channels?  Review each element for overall brand consistency and answer the question: “What do all of these items say about our organization?”

4. Speaking a Foreign Language  Check all of your social media and email communications to see if you are clearly speaking to both believers and unbelievers. One of the fastest ways to turn a church into a giant social club is by putting everything in “Christian-ese.”

5. Refusing to Market Your Church – Keep outreach efforts concentrated by ensuring that they constantly reflect your brand. While the debate remains whether all church outreach is, in fact, marketing, it must be said that outreach and marketing must tie together.

This sort of branding takes incredible intentionality, but in the end, you’ll have a more holistic brand in the eyes of your community and members.

Speaking of community, we want to help one church completely revolutionize their outreach and marketing through the Great Outreach GivewayEnter for your chance to win a year long, $60K outreach package!


 This is a sponsored post from faithHighway, one of my ministry partners on


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